Thursday, June 4, 2009


I received this book from my future school, School of Visual Arts, the book consisted of photos the graduates of 2008 took. There were two that stood out the most. One was of a young lady whom seemed to be frighten, what I liked most about the picture was what appeared to be sweat on her face and dripping from her hair. I didn't understand why her eyes resembled a deer in headlights, but the picture was still able to hold my attention. The other picture was a young women crying. I was not too fond of the lighting in the photo, but it was a very interesting picture. While studying it, I wondered who made her cry....why was she crying....what was the cause of such pain in her expression.

So after viewing these intriguing photos, I was inspired to take some myself, there actually quit different from the two that stuck out like swore thumbs in the bunch, but my inspiration for these photos was still brought forth by those two pictures.

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